
Return To Sports Assessments

Return To Your Sport As Quickly AS Possible With Physical Therapy

Did you know that according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, over 2 million high school athletes suffer from sports-related injuries annually? Additionally, 3.5 million kids under the age of 14 also receive treatment for sports-related injuries annually. This doesn’t even include the number of adult athletes that get injured from a sport.

Whatever age you are, or level of physical ability you may have, physical therapy can help you in enhancing the healing process of a sports injury. With our sports injury rehabilitation programs, you will be able to get back to doing the activities you love in no time. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get off the sidelines and return to your sport, give our office a call today to schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained physical therapists.


Our Specialized Return to Sports Assessments

At Legacy Physical Therapy and Wellness, we understand the importance of a thorough and careful return to your sport, especially after a significant injury like an ACL tear, rotator cuff injury, or other sports-related traumas. Our Return to Sports Assessments are crucial components of your rehabilitation journey, typically conducted towards the end of your recovery process.

These assessments focus on both lower and upper extremity function, providing a comprehensive analysis of your readiness to safely resume sporting activities. Our skilled physical therapists use these evaluations to determine if you have regained sufficient strength, flexibility, balance, and neuromuscular control to return to your sport safely.

Tailored to Your Unique Recovery Journey

Every athlete’s path to recovery is unique, especially following surgeries or significant injuries. Our treatment plans are meticulously crafted to align with your personal recovery goals and the specific demands of your sport. In the early stages, the focus is on managing pain, reducing inflammation, and promoting tissue healing. As you progress, the emphasis shifts to regaining strength, endurance, balance, and full range of motion.

Collaboration with Your Healthcare Team

We believe in a collaborative approach to your recovery. Assessments and progress reports are regularly shared with your surgeon or primary care physician to ensure a coordinated and comprehensive approach to your return to play. This collaboration is crucial for obtaining the full clearance needed for you to safely reengage in your sport.

Avoiding Unnecessary Interventions

Our goal is to help you avoid reliance on potentially harmful medications or invasive procedures. Our approach to recovery includes:

  • Therapeutic Exercises
  • Specialized Modalities
  • Manual Therapy (including massage and joint mobilizations)

Physical therapy is proven effective for a range of acute and chronic sports injuries, such as ligament sprains, muscle strains, plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and tendinitis. We educate you about your body’s healing process and work with you actively to achieve your rehabilitation goals.

Contact Us Today!

Physical therapy at Legacy Physical Therapy & Wellness offers so much more than current symptom relief – it offers sports injury prevention and natural performance enhancement. If you are an athlete suffering from a sports-related injury, don’t waste any more time on the sidelines. Take your recovery to the next level with our physical therapy team. Confirm your appointment today and get started on the right track toward returning to the sport you love!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Your Journey To An Active Lifestyle Starts At Legacy