

Have you recently suffered a concussion? Because concussions are classified as mild traumatic brain injuries, many people will treat their concussion symptoms with pain medication and not worry about the concussion itself. But at Legacy Physical Therapy and Wellness in Naperville, IL, we take a functional approach to health, meaning we want to treat the cause, not the symptoms.


What are the symptoms of a concussion?

A concussion occurs when your head is shaken or bumped hard enough to jostle your brain against your skull. When your brain hits bone, it can damage your brain tissue, leading to several symptoms:

  • Chronic headaches or migraines
  • Dizziness or vertigo
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Mood changes, including depression

Most people experience concussions due to a sports injury (bicycling, football, basketball, and horseback riding all have high incidences of concussions) or an automobile accident. Regardless of where you got your concussion, it’s important to seek treatment for your symptoms before they worsen.

How can Legacy Physical Therapy and Wellness in Naperville, IL help you heal?

We offer several treatment options that can help alleviate the after-effects of a concussion. Our functional physical therapy approach will help treat your entire system rather than simply targeting the affected area.

Movement is an integral part of concussion therapy. Aerobic exercise and strength training are both effective in providing relief. Our therapists will help you develop a safe, effective exercise program based on your fitness levels and the severity of your injury.

Manual therapy is also key to concussion relief. Massage therapy can release the tension causing you pain and help with stress reduction, and joint mobilizations, particularly in the spine, can help with headaches or neck pain.

Request an appointment for post-concussion relief today! 

If you recently suffered a concussion, visiting our Naperville, IL physical therapy clinic could be the first step to feeling better. Our team of experts will take a complete assessment to understand your symptoms, then develop a customized treatment plan to help you recover.

Request your appointment with Legacy Physical Therapy and Wellness in Naperville, IL today!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Your Journey To An Active Lifestyle Starts At Legacy